The Board of Studies is the basic constituent of the academic system of an autonomous college. Its functions will include framing the syllabi for various courses, reviewing and updating syllabi from time to time, introducing new courses of study, determining details of continuous assessment, recommending panels of examiners under the semester system, etc.

Composition of Board of Studies:

  1. Head of the Department concerned (Chairman)
  2. The entire faculty of each specialization
  3. Two subject experts from outside the Parent University to be nominated by the Academic Council
  4. One expert to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from a panel of six recommended by the college principal
  5. One representative from industry/corporate sector/allied area relating to placement
  6. One postgraduate meritorious alumnus to be nominated by the principal. The Chairman, Board of Studies, may with the approval of the principal of the college, co-opt:
    1. Experts from outside the college whenever special courses of studies are to be formulated.
    2. Other members of staff of the same faculty.
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