To be a globally recognized Department of Mechanical Engineering, where excellence in teaching, learning and research come together to meet the needs of industry and the society.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established since the inception of the Institution in 2010 with sanctioned intake of 60 seats and has currently annualĀ ntake of 30 students at UG level, 6 students at PG level and 15 students at PG Working Professionals. B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering Programme was accredited by the National Board ofAccreditation (NBA) under Tier II in 2018 and 2022. The goal of Mechanical Engineering program is to prepare the graduate for entry level positions as Mechanical Engineers for broad range of opportunities available in industrial, commercial and governmental organizations and to prepare the graduates for continued learning experiences either in a personal graduate program or in continuing education program. The department has gained name and fame outside because of the qualified, dedicated faculty members and quality education provided to students. Maintaining a modern curriculum in all areas of Mechanical Engineering like Machine Design, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Production Technology, CAD/CAM, Robotics, Industrial Engineering etc,. Department aims to provide excellence quality education to all the students and train them in the laboratories with which they become technically competent and function well in the industries & corporate after graduation. Some of the achievements of the students include admissions in National level Institutes and reputed foreign universities for higher studies and placements in reputed companies. The department has MOUs with reputed organizations.